Articles on: Easy Ads for Facebook Ads

Complete Meta Business Manager Setup Guide

Before you start advertising on Meta platforms (Facebook & Instagram), you must set up your Meta Business Manager correctly.

This is crucial as you will encounter many issues and errors if your Business Manager is set up incorrectly.

This guide has all the information you need to correctly set up your Shopify store to run Facebook and Instagram ads.

The guide has sections on the right, so feel free to skip to the part you want.

You may also follow along with the video below for a visual demonstration.

As a side note, if you already have everything set up on Facebook, ensure you are an admin of all the assets you want to use. Also, ensure that you have the four Pixel events we will mention in this video set up on your domain.

Here is what we are going to cover in this guide:

Creating a Meta (Previously Facebook) Business Manager Account.
Creating a Facebook Page That You'll Use to Launch Ads.
Creating a Facebook Ad Account That Will Be Running the Ads.
Creating the Facebook Pixel to Track Events on Your Store.
Verifying Your Domain on Facebook.
Installing Your Facebook Pixel on Your Shopify Store and Setting Up the Conversion API for Accurate Tracking.

So let's get started.

1. Creating a Meta (Previously Facebook) Business Manager Account.

The Business Manager Account is where you manage all your business assets, such as ad accounts, Facebook pages, Pixels, etc.

If you don't have a business manager account yet, it's super easy to create:

Go to and then create an account there.
Enter your business name or Shopify store name, full name, and email address.
Enter your business details.

2. Creating a Facebook Page That You'll Use to Launch Ads.

Your ads are going to show under your Facebook page name. Here's how to create a Facebook page for your Shopify store:

Go to (Make sure the right business is selected).
Click on Accounts on the left sidebar.
Click on Pages.
Click on Add ▼.
Click on Create a new page.

We recommend having your Shopify store name as a page name. This way, when people click on your ads and go to your store, they stay under the same brand, which helps with congruency and trust.

3. Creating a Facebook Ad Account That Will Be Running the Ads.

To run ads for your business, you need a Facebook ad account with a valid payment method.

Always on your Business Settings, follow the instructions below to create an ad account:

Click on Ad Accounts on the left sidebar.
Click Add and then create a new ad account.
Enter a name for your ad account.
Choose the time zone and currency you'll use to pay Facebook.

Note: Make sure you get these two options right because you will not be able to change them later. I recommend you use the same time zone on your Shopify store for the time zone. This way, there is no offset between your Shopify store metrics and your Facebook ads metrics.

Click Next.
Choose who you want to use this ad account for your business, and now you need to assign a user to this ad account.
Click on yourself and then give yourself the manager role.

Now that you've set up your ad account, you need to add a payment method to it.
Click Add payment method.
Enter your credit card details, PayPal, or whatever payment method you want.

And that's it for the ad account.

Whenever you run ads from Facebook to your Shopify store, Facebook needs to know what people are doing in your store after they have clicked the ad. This allows Facebook to tell you which ad is performing well and which ad is losing your money. The way you give this information to Facebook is by installing a Facebook Pixel on your Shopify store.

4. Creating the Facebook Pixel to Track Events on Your Store.

So let's create a Pixel!

Click on Data Sources.
Click on Pixels.
Click Add.
Give a name to your Pixel.
Click Continue.

Now, just close this window as you'll set up the Pixel on your Shopify store later. For now, you need to do two essential steps:

You need to add yourself to this Pixel. Click add people, choose your name and give yourself full access to this Pixel.
You need to add this Pixel to your ad account that we created earlier. So click connect assets and choose ad accounts. Then select your ad account here.

Since the introduction of iOS 14, Facebook now requires you to verify your domain on your business manager and set up the Pixel events that you want to track on your domain.

Although the setup is straightforward, this is where many people get stuck. So let's break it down!

For this, you will use the primary domain on your Shopify store.

5. Verifying Your Domain on Facebook.

Now you need to verify the domain.

Go to your Shopify store admin.
Click Settings.
Click Domains.

You will use the primary domain on your Shopify store. This can be your custom domain, like, or "yourmyshopify" Subdomain, like Just make sure you pick the one that's labeled as primary.

Now, let's go back to the Meta Business Settings.

Click on Brand Safety on the left sidebar.
Click on Domains.
Click Add.
Create a new domain.
Enter your domain name.

Again, this can be your or if you have a custom domain.

Click Add.
Copy the Meta Tag.

Go back to your Shopify store:

Click on Online Store from the sidebar.
Click Themes.
Click on the "..." next to the theme you're using.
Click on Edit code.
Click on "" (depending on what your theme's name is)

Look for the head Html tag. Here you will usually see other meta tags similar to the one you have copied.

Make sure you are somewhere under the head tag.
Create a new line for your meta tag and paste it here.
Click Save.

Then go back to your Business Settings and click verify.

That's it. Your domain is verified. If the verification doesn't go through, you must wait a few minutes until Facebook clears its cash. Then click Verify again. If your store requires a password to access it, you will need to add the same meta tag to the password file.

6. Installing Your Facebook Pixel on Your Shopify Store and Setting Up the Conversion API for Accurate Tracking.

Go to your Shopify store admin.
Click on Sales Channels on the sidebar.
Choose the Facebook channel and add it to your store.
Inside the Facebook sales channel, click connect account, and a new window will pop up asking you for permissions for the sales channel.
Under Business assets, choose your Facebook page and click Connect.
Next, make sure data sharing is enabled and that it is set to maximum.

This is very important as maximum we'll share more data with Facebook, but we also give you more accurate tracking and better performance.

Click connect next to your Pixel.
Agree to the terms.
Click Submit for review.

You don't need to wait for the review process. Your Pixel is already installed as well as the conversion API.

Congratulations, you are all set up and ready to launch your Easy Ads campaign.

Updated on: 26/06/2024

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