Articles on: Easy Ads for Facebook Ads

How to Use Dashboard to Analyze Your Funnel Performance

Analyzing your Facebook and Instagram ads can be complicated. There are so many metrics to learn and different ways to measure performance.

Not to mention how hard it is to determine which metrics are key performance indicators (KPIs) you should keep an eye on.

Luckily for you, Easy Ads for Facebook displays only the most important metrics to help you evaluate the success of your ads and make data-based decisions.

Easy Ads for Facebook simply displays the data sent to it by your Ads Manager, if you're experiencing data discrepancies, you may consider troubleshooting your Pixel.

On one page, you can see the overall performance of your advertising funnel, and how each funnel stage is performing.

You can also see your data based on a date range from the last 7 days, the last 14 days, to the last 30 days.

In the top section, you have 4 metrics that help you measure the performance of your advertising funnel in terms of engagement and conversions:

Ad Spend: This is how much your advertising funnel has been spending so far.
Impressions: This is the number of overall impressions ads in your funnel amassed.
Clicks: This is the number of overall clicks ads in your funnel got.
Revenue: this is how much money your advertising funnel brought you.

Campaign Card

This card shows you:

The status of your advertising campaign (active/inactive).
The campaign’s daily budget.
The number of product variants shown in ads.

It also provides you with the option to edit your campaign.

Automation Card

This card shows you:

The status of your AI ad optimization (active/inactive).
The last action that was taken on your ads and when it was fired.

It also provides you with the option to view the AI automation’s log, to see the complete list of actions performed by AI on your ads.

In the bottom section, you have 4 cards, each belonging to a funnel stage: Awareness, Consideration, Decision, and Loyalty.

In each funnel stage card, you’ll notice that Easy Ads for Facebook provides you with the most important metrics up top with the option to see more performance metrics by clicking on the “View more” button.

The first 4 key metrics shown are:

Advertising Spend: This is how much of your funnel ad spend has been spent on this specific stage.
Impressions: This is the number of impressions ads in this specific stage amassed.
Clicks: This is the number of clicks ads in this stage got.
Generated revenue: this is how much money this funnel stage generated.

After clicking on the “View more” button, you’ll see the following metrics:

Store-based metrics that determine the true results of your ads:

Product views: The number of times products were viewed in this funnel stage.
Add to carts: The number of times the Add To Cart (ATC) event was fired thanks to ads in this stage.
Initiated checkouts: The number of times the Initiate Checkout (IC) event was fired thanks to ads in this stage.
Total orders: The total number of orders made on your Shopify store thanks to ads in this funnel stage.

Engagement metrics that determine how well your ads are received by your target audience:

Reactions: The number of reactions (likes, emoji reactions) ads in this funnel stage got.
Comments: The number of comments ads in this funnel stage got.
Saves: The number of times ads in this funnel stage were saved.
Shares: The number of times ads in this funnel stage were shared.

Cost metrics that breakdown how much it costs to get results:

Cost per purchase: The amount of money it cost to get a purchase.
Cost per click: The amount of money it cost to get a click.
Click-through rate: The number of clicks that ads in this funnel stage received divided by the number of times they were shown.
ROAS (Return On Ad Spend): The amount of revenue earned for every dollar spent on advertising.

The average CTR (Click-Through-Rate) is 1%. If your ads are getting a CTR less than 1%, it's best to pause your ads and work on improving your ad copy, product images, and audience targeting.

Updated on: 26/06/2024

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