How to Resolve the 'Add a valid payment method to your ad account' error.
If you're getting this error:
Add a valid payment method to your ad account.
No Payment Method.
It means that the ad account you selected has an invalid payment method that you need to update to launch your funnel.
Easy Ads for Facebook is a product of Scalify, a badged Meta ad technology partner (See Meta partner directory). This means that we use the official Meta API, the same Meta API used for the Ads Manager. This means two things:
Same rules on the Business Manager apply to the Easy Ads for Facebook app. Errors are fired by The Meta API and displayed on the Easy Ads for Facebook. To fix the error, you need to fix your Business Manager setup.
Your daily budget is paid to Meta via the payment method associated with the ad account you connect with the app.
To fix this issue, please follow the steps below:
Go to your Meta Business Manager account settings:
Scroll down the sidebar and click on Payment Methods.

Click on the Add Payment Method button in the middle of the screen.

Follow the prompts on the screen to add a payment method to your Business Manager.
On the sidebar, go to Accounts → Ad accounts.

Click on the Open in Ads Manager button.

Open your Ad account's settings:
Click on the Open payment settings button.

Click on the Add payment method button.

Follow the prompts on the screen to add a payment method to your Ad account.
Once you're done, go back to the browser tab where you have the Easy Ads for Facebook app open and hard refresh your browser session by pressing and holding Ctrl + Shift + R to delete cache and try again.
If you already have a payment method added on both your Meta Business Manager and your Ad account, make sure you have enough funds in the payment method or contact your provider.
Updated on: 26/06/2024
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